Image information
The origin: from free pollination of the variety 'Otradnaya'.
It was created together with Nizhni Novgorod State Agricultural Academy of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection, Russia.
The variety is winter hardy, drought-resistant and highly productive (the average yield from a plant is 19 kg and maximal one is 29 kg).
The tree (shrub) is of medium highness and with branchy crown.
Biological peculiarities: it starts fruiting on the 4th year. It is relatively resistant to summer fading.
Berries are large (the average weight is 0.8 g.), generally oval, orange-red, medium downy and differed by high b-carotene content.
The variety is an all-purpose one.
It was included into the State Register of varieties and wood and shrubby species of the Republic of Belarus in 2007.
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223013, аг. Самохваловичи,
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